Sunday, August 3, 2014

Day in the Life- Summer 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

This is my first Day in the Life post.  I know one day, I will treasure this quick peek into my life.  In ten years, I will probably ask myself what was I thinking!  I choose a very weird and atypical time to document.  However, it perfectly reflects this particular time in my life.  I've recently switched jobs which requires me to be on the road for various trainings over the next few months.  It's a huge change that requires me to be away from my family, but in the long run, it will be best for me/my family.

Background of the week:  This week I'm down in Indiana for job training.  This is the longest I've been away from home since Owen was born.  Fortunately, he is in great hands---hanging out with Grandma for the week.  We are so fortunate to have her watch him for us.  Had she not been our go to
"daycare" option, I never would have been able to switch jobs.

Okay...enough jibber-jabber...time for the details.

4:45 AM? EST I wake up to the scream of the fire alarm and the flashing light, warning me of a fire.  I jump out of bed, grab my room key and my shoes, and head for the door.  I check out the peep hole--no smoke, electricity still works as the lights are one, and people are starting to exit their rooms.  Looks like it's safe to go.  I follow the masses, and we congregate outside. We spend about 10-15 minutes outside.  Fortunately, there is no fire, and the weather is quite comfortable to be out and about in your PJ's.  However, I'm pissed at whoever pulled the alarm.

5:00 AM EST I'm back in my room.  Time to sleep before I "wake" up for the day.

5:11 AM EST Still not asleep.  Sounds like the fire department finally came.

5:24 AM EST Still awake; I decide I might as well pump.  I'm still breastfeeding Owen.  I am determined to continue breastfeeding until he reaches a year.  Since I'm baby-free this week, the pump is my best-breast friend.

5:45 AM EST Finished pumping and cleaning things up.  Back to dreamland for awhile.

7:45 AM EST Alarm is going off.  Time to wake up; but I procrastinate and hit the snooze for 15 more minutes.

8:00 AM EST Finally awake. I spend the next few minutes thinking about what to do next.  Should I Shower? Eat? Pump? I end up flipping through the channels.  I am a huge dork, and settle for the news.  I like to be aware of the current events.

8:13 AM EST I start to pump and write up this post. 

8:40 AM EST Time to shower and get ready for the day.

9:05 AM EST I'm ready to go eat. I'm staying at a Hampton Inn.  They really have good options for breakfast.  This morning I enjoyed scarmbled eggs, sausage, French toast sticks, and oatmeal to get my day started.

9:17 AM EST Pack up all my stuff.  Luckily, I'm a pretty light traveler--one small carry-on suitcase, plus my pump/computer bag (it's a beast), and a tote full of 100+ oz of milk. Not too bad for a 5 day, 4 night trip.  I'm a bit stressed in juggling my carryon luggage as well as my liquid gold. I'm sure everything will be just fine, but I still worry in the back of my mind.

9:35 AM EST My car is packed and I'm ready to leave for the airport.  I just need to stop and refuel before I arrive.

10:05 AM EST I drop off my rental vehicle and head for security.  I am quite nervous as I've never traveled with breast milk before.  I'm really hoping and praying that it doesn't get dumped.  I would cry.  This stuff really is liquid gold!

10:25 AM EST  I made it! What a relief.  However, upon entering the terminal, I see my flight back home is delayed by about 30 minutes.  It's not a huge deal, but I just want to be home NOW to see my baby. It's time to sit down and rest for awhile.  Now I need to figure out when and where to pump.  Fortunately, it's not a super busy airport, and I've found a deserted gate area.  I've got this area claimed as my own!

11:30 AM EST Figured it's time to start pumping.  So, I pump and bum around on the computer while I work on this post a bit more.

11:55 AM EST I'm a bit disappointed.  I barely get any milk from my left side.  I really hope this doesn't turn into a clogged duct.  I pack up my things and look for lunch.  I settle for a salad--it was good, but not worth $9.

12:30 AM EST  We start boarding the plane...luckily it's only 30 minutes behind schedule.  At least it's a reasonable time. Apparently, the pilots weren't available.  You would think Delta would have a crew lined up.  Again, not too bad of a delay.

1:30 PM CST So glad to be back in Minnesota!  I should be home within a couple of hours.  I can't wait!

1:45 PM CST I find my car and sit down to pump for a while.  I want to leave, but my boobs are telling me to pump. Again, I get barely anything out of my left boob.  This is not good.  Pretty sure there's a clog in there.  Hopefully, Owen will be able to work it out when I get home.

2:00 PM CST I'm finally on the road leaving MSP.  I should be home in an hour.

3:30 PM CST Well, my normal hour long commute from MSP to home didn't happen.  Traffic and detours slowed me down, but I finally make it home.  I stop at home and put away all my milk and leave my suitcase in the entry way.  Within 5 minutes I'm on my way to go pick up my baby!

3:35 PM CST  We are reunited!  Owen had a busy week with Grandma and Grandpa.  He did such a good job.  He even went to the county fair with Grandma and watched the cow show.  In a few more years, he will be in the show ring.
 4:10 PM CST  We are home.  I don't know who is more excited about being home... Owen, me, or our dog Rylee.  Owen is all giggles as he sees his fur-sister.  I think they both missed each other. We get settled in and I get in as many snuggles with my little guy before he needs to eat. 

 4:40 PM CST Time to nurse Owen.  Unfortunately, my left boob is killing me.  Not what I had hoped for. This makes for a crabby momma.

5:00 PM CST Owen fell asleep while nursing.  Typically, I try to avoid this, but I'm enjoying this extra cuddle time.  I really missed this over the past week!

5:30 PM CST  I swear you could set a clock to this kid's napping schedule.  He's awake and finishes nursing.

6:00 PM CST My husband calls and wants to know if I want to go to the county fair this evening.  I really want to go, but I really want to stay home too.  He says he will be home from the farm in about 45 minutes.

6:10 PM CST  I decided that if I go to the county fair, I better make sure Owen is well fed.  I put him in his highchair and start feeding him some oatmeal cereal as well as some mashed up bananas.  He loves his food and kicks his feed in excitement when I get everything ready.  I'm so thankful for a happy, hungry, and healthy little boy.

6:45 PM CST My husband is finally home! I haven't seen him since Sunday night as he leaves for work at the dairy farm by 4:45 each morning.  We talk a little bit and he gets cleaned up to go to the Demolition Derby at the county fair.  I decide to stay home.  I need to work on getting this dang clog out.  Besides, I need to maximize on all the cuddles I missed out on over the past week.

7:05 PM CST My hubby leaves for the fair.  Let the snuggle time begin! Over the next few hours, my time is consumed with snuggling, nursing (trying to get that dang clog out), changing diapers, playing, and more snuggling.

9:15 PM CST  Begin the bedtime routine--nurse on one side, change diaper, put PJ's on, put sleep sack on, and nurse on other side. This usually takes about 30 minutes.  Owen finishes eating and is quite groggy.  I snuggle him and rock him a bit more before I put him in his own room to sleep for the night.

10:00 PM CST I'm shot... time for bed.  I brush my teeth and change into PJ's.  I thought (for about 30 seconds) that I should stay up and wait for Brad to get home, but I'm too tired.  I fall asleep within a few minutes.

11:30 PM CST Brad comes home.  I usually wake up when ever I beat him to bed, but not tonight.  It was quite an eventful day!


  1. Haha. I got about half way through this and then it dawned on me that I know you. Derrrrr!! Way to go traveling & pumping. J feel for you - I had full blown mastitis 3x last time. Ughhhhh.

    1. Surprise! Boo for mastitis...I have luckily avoided it (so far), but I swear I get a clogged duct at least once every month. Hope it stays away for you with baby #3!

  2. Oh major props for keeping up the pumping while you were away! Great commitment. Sorry you ended up with a plugged duct though. Hopefully he's worked that out by now. Ha, I wonder what security thought of your milk stash.
    Man, I bet you were really missing those baby snuggles. A week seems like an eternity when it involves being away from your family, esp kids. I'd probably be a big ol sap, but you do what needs to be done!

    1. Thanks! You had no idea how happy I was to get home. I don't think I put my son down the entire weekend! I'm pretty sure the TSA agent just wanted to get me through the checkpoint. They had me open a few random bags, waved a test strip above, and sent me on my way. It really was no big deal.

  3. I used to get excited about traveling for work, but now it usually just feels like a hassle. The security checkpoint waiting, the gate waiting, the boarding waiting, and the take off waiting...I just don't have patience. :) I'm glad your flight was only mildly delayed and you were reunited with your beautiful boy at last! I can only imagine how eager you were to get home.

  4. Whew! You are a busy Mama! I hope your new job is working out well for you and that you are enjoying it. Sounds exciting (and exhausting!)!
    My husband's family owns a dairy farm as well so we are pretty familiar with farm life too :)
    Thanks for sharing your day!

  5. How awkward and college dorm-ish to have to be in your pjs outside at 4:45 in the morning! Ha!

    What a busy and full day - thanks for sharing!
