Saturday, April 26, 2014

Donating Blood

Did you ever have the opportunity to help save three peoples' lives?   Well, I've had that opportunity several times. 



By donating blood with the American Red Cross.

Ever since I was a junior in high school I have been donating blood at our local Red Cross community blood drives.  One of the incentives for donating blood as a high school student was getting out of the last class of the day as we walked the two blocks down the street to the Legion hall where the blood drive took place.  That's just part of the beauty of small-town USA. While I can't skip class anymore to donate blood, I do still take part in our local community's blood drive.

A few days ago, I got a call from the American Red Cross informing me of several blood drives in my area. Apparently, my blood type was in high demand.  Because I was pregnant for most of 2013, it's been over a year since I've donated.  I was extremely happy and excited to get that call from the Red Cross.

Giving blood is a very quick and simple process.  The actual donation process takes less than 10 minutes. Plus, after your donation, you get some cookies and snacks!  Who doesn't love free snacks!  I really enjoy knowing that I'm helping others.  After all, you never know when someone you love may need lifesaving blood! 

I know some people are scared about donating blood.  They are afraid of needles, the sight of blood, etc.  However, it's a pretty simple process that doesn't even hurt.  The worst part of the entire blood donation process is the small finger prick to determine your hemoglobin level. Honestly!  (that's the part I always look away from). 

Since I've been a blood donor for almost 10 years, here are my tried and true tips for donating blood:
1) Water...lots and lots of water
2) Don't go on an empty stomach
3) Wear comfy clothes--especially a tee-shirt that allows for quick and easy access to your arm
4) Water; don't underestimate hydration!

Check out to learn more about donating blood.

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